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Smart Clustering Approach for Lifetime Maximization in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks

Show simple item record Qureshi, M Waqas Ahmed 2022-07-20T10:01:41Z 2022-07-20T10:01:41Z 2022
dc.description.abstract Routing protocols are critical after sensor node placement for safe and efficient communication. Network lifetime and power consumption are taken into account as important difficulties in the way of establishing underwater communication in UWSNs. Many procedures have been proposed in the last decade to deal with these issues in dynamic circumstances. We have proposed a smart clustering approach for predicting rapidly moving and adjacent nodes to skip them from clusters. As a result, the skipped nodes became idle and conserved energy so that they can perform better in upcoming iterations. Because the residual energy level of idle nodes is larger than that of used nodes in the next cycle, they will form a cluster. Neighbor nodes encompass overlapping areas and are utilized to collect a degree of matching information, which is then eliminated at the aggregate level. Our proposed algorithm estimates the pace of moving nodes to distinguish between acceptable and unsuitable nodes for the cluster. Furthermore, we have distinguished between long-range and short-range communication, extending the life of the network. We took advantages of both communication media for intra-cluster and inter-cluster communication. Our proposed approach has increased network lifetime by using smart clustering approach and hybrid communication medium to save power consumption. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Dr. Abdul Wahid en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher SEECS-School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science NUST Islamabad en_US
dc.title Smart Clustering Approach for Lifetime Maximization in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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