In 2020, Gutman introduced a degree based topological index of graphs namely the
Sombor Index. Let dv(G) be the degree of the vertex v in graph G. The Sombor
Index of G is defined as SO(G) =
uv2 (G)
du(G)2 + dv(G)2. It is a very young
field and has gathered the attention of many researchers which has led it to become
one of the fundamental concepts of chemical graph theory. In this study, we take into
consideration some infinite families of nano star dendrimers such as HFD(ei) dendrimer,
Nanostar dendrimers D1[n], Nanostar dendrimer D2[n] and Hypercore dendrimerDn.
Compute their Sombor index. Moreover, we find the Sombor index for a few silicate
networks like SLN(n) and Chain silicate network CSn etc.