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Cooperative Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm in Virtual Passive Optical Networks

Show simple item record Mashood, Haris 2022-08-07T13:47:45Z 2022-08-07T13:47:45Z 2022
dc.description CL-T-6625 en_US
dc.description.abstract TDM-PON technologies are an attractive solution for a flexible and cost-efficient mobile front haul for C-RAN architecture. This is because these technologies allow for TDM over passive optical networks. However, because TDM-PONs employ a process known as dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) to control upstream traffic, it might be difficult for these networks to satisfy the stringent delay requirements that C-RAN imposes on mobile front-haul. On the other hand, ITU TDM-PONs like XG PON and XGS-PON have not even been investigated for their potential use in mobile front-haul, especially in a virtualized network environment. Since sharing the PON infrastructure between different network operators and allowing a virtual passive optical network is necessary to save CapEx and efficiently use available resources. Because of this virtualization, separate VNOs can establish individualized frame-level allocations across common PON infrastructure. Granting them the ability to have complete control over the scheduling of their upstream traffic. At the OLT, which shares the upstream capacity of the PON, we implement the coexistence of independent and customized DBA algorithms. A variety of DBA algorithms are tested to investigate the influence the VNOs' choice of DBA has on the quality of the services they provide. Suggesting that the choice of DBA made by the operator affects the performance of the service, namely in terms of packet loss and latency which as mentioned above are stringent requirements of C-RAN architecture. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Dr. Arsalan Ahmed en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher SEECS-School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science NUST Islamabad en_US
dc.subject Passive Optical Networks, Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation, Optical Line Terminal, Optical Line Unit, XG-PON, C-RAN en_US
dc.title Cooperative Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm in Virtual Passive Optical Networks en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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