It is common knowledge that the most valuable component of any project that undergoes under any set circumstances of scale and budget is human life, but the tragedy of the system present depicts worrying negligence to the very factor when we see preventable life losses in the field of construction even in 2022, where precision in the most intricate surgeries has been in the factor of millimeters and the efficiency and consistency of the present day automated conveyor belt products is infinitimous. Under these circumstances, call it the flaw in our society or our backwardness in safety development but our ratio of deaths per annum is both unacceptable and indefinitely increasing. While there is continuous development in the quality and ease of construction, the pace of safety development has been rather slow. Present day usage of BIM and various sensors of Arduino and other interactive software provide a glimmer of hope of a way forward, the systems being automated and real-life conditions driven not only make them error free but also active at all times. This project poses as the founding stone in that direction, by using various softwares; Autodesk REVIT, Arduino UNO, Tera Term, etc. connected in integration with Arduino hardware and sensors we are able to provide the best path for fleeing individuals in the wake of catastrophe dodging any obstacles in the way. This involves a sound detection system via sensors that send the data to the project’s Central Processing Unit; Arduino mini pro which in turn translates the machine language into .CSV (Comma-Separated Value) with the help of a software plugin known as TeraTerm. Once translated the data becomes readable for our decision-making software named dynamo, which with the help of a plugin named Modelical computes the decisions needed to be made and sends the necessary commands to Autodesk REVIT which in turn depicts to the user which path to opt and which to avoid in case of a said catastrophe. For the purpose of lessons learnt and record keeping the crisis report is saved in .CSV format and is accessible by most of the main stream softwares. This is just the base line of tons of projects possible for the human resource safety, we hope this founding stone becomes the base of a huge infrastructure of more improved projects in AI and BIM.