Three-way catalytic converter (TWC) is a primary emission control technology that allows simultaneous conversion of three major exhaust gas pollutants i.e.CO, unburned hydrocarbons (HC), and NOx into harmless compounds. Commercially available TWC’s use ceria as a promotor and Oxygen storage component (OSC) along with noble metals as catalysts. Certain disadvantages are associated with these TWC’s like noble metals based catalytic convertors are highly expensive and these metals like Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium are observed to be emitted from the catalytic convertors, thereby causing serious risk to environment. Here in this present research study, we have evaluated the effect of impact of ceria in terms of its characterization and it’s TWC conversion efficiency in Co3O4-TiO2 non-noble metal based catalytic convertor. Catalysts synthesis route has major impact on TWC conversion efficiency, so catalysts were synthesized by two methods. Incipient Wetness Impregnation (IWI and Precipitation method. Comparison of these two methods for its three way catalytic conversion efficiency was also performed. Three Ceria loadings were selected i.e.03%,06% and 09% and ceria was doped in 15wt.% Co3O4/TiO2 catalysts. The Three way catalytic conversion efficiency was evaluated at four different RPM’s i.e. 2000,4000,6000,8000 at idle conditions. Overall, results reveal strong impact of ceria loading as the conversion efficiency increases significantly with ceria doping. Catalyst synthesized by IWI method gave better conversion efficiency overall and its maximum efficiency for CO, HC and NOx was 92%, 83 % and 90%.