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Behaviour of Rubberized Concrete Under Flexural Loading

Show simple item record Usama Bin Azhar Supervisor Asad Naeem 2022-08-30T05:32:26Z 2022-08-30T05:32:26Z 2022
dc.description.abstract The process of rubber decomposition is extremely slow and time consuming, the disposal of wasted tire causes environmental issue and is very dangerous for public health. The addition of wasted rubber to make green concrete is beneficial to the environment. The aim of this research is to check flexural behavior of eco-friendly rubberized concrete. Five different mixes were made in which one mix contained no replacement of sand whereas four mixes were made by substituting (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) of sand by volume with rubber. The compressive strength and flexural strength and their load deflection curves were examined. The trend showed reduction in the compressive strength with huge reduction at higher percentages of rubber. The flexural strength tests were performed and the trend in the strength was towards reduction but there was slight reduction in the strength as the percentage of rubber was increased. Whereas ductility and failure mode under flexural loading was improved in specimens in which rubber was used and as the percentage of rubber was increasing the ductility was increased. The outcome of this novel approach of rubber addition provides an overview about the effect of rubber on the flexural strength of concrete and its correlation with compressive strength of normal strength rubberized concrete. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Structure Engineering en_US
dc.title Behaviour of Rubberized Concrete Under Flexural Loading en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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