Glassy materials has its application in various systems including electronics and semiconductors
and optics. Particularly, in optics lens magnifications are produced by Lapping and Polishing
process. These methods are used surface modification of fused silica by various indenters. In our
work, alumina spheres are used as indenters. Load and stress graphs were plotted based on
simulation results and were compared with literature. Studies for Total deformation and
Equivalentstress at various indenters’ size and loading pressures are carried out. It was observed
that indenter sizes plays a vital role in cracks growth during lapping process. Minimizing
subsurface damage (SSD) is in high demand for optics during grinding, lapping, and polishing.
This study inspects and measures the SSD of fused silica developed in lapping. A series of
simulations is conducted to reveal the influence of lapping parameters on SSD depth, including
alumina size, lapping pressure. Results indicate that SSD depth are mostly sensitive to alumina
size and lapping pressure.Indentation test is simulated using Finite Element Method based on
contact mechanics approach. The relationship between load and indentation depth is obtained.
The numerical results show goodagreement with experimental data. It is shown that FEM is an
effective tool for simulation of indentation tests of optics