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Detection of Identity Theft over Social Medial Networks using Fuzzy Logics

Show simple item record Khan, Muhammad Saim Jehan Supervised by Dr Mian Muhammad Waseem Iqbal 2022-09-22T04:10:08Z 2022-09-22T04:10:08Z 2022-08
dc.identifier.other TIS-350
dc.identifier.other MSIS-17
dc.description.abstract Social media networks (SMNs) have become a norm in everyone’s life and significance for the interrelationship amongst people all over the world. This is the reason theft of individuals’ identity has become very common. In order to detect identity theft, my research proposes fuzzy logic-based system and decides based on results if a person is being an identity theft victim. To do so, the natural language and numerical values of each user is considered, with the help of values such as the total frequency of posts, messages, new recipients, and geo locations. Fuzzy logic idea has been proposed before to detect identity theft in SMNs but with no actual implementations and idea was taken forward with limited number of parameters. In our paper the accuracy increased by taking more parameters into consideration. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Detection of Identity Theft over Social Medial Networks using Fuzzy Logics en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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