Agriculture is the main occupation of around 80% of people living in rural areas.
Hence playing a primary role in improving their livelihoods, income, and food.
The industrialization has accelerated in tandem with global economic growth.
One of the negative consequences of rapid industrialization is heavy metal
pollution. Its contamination has the potential to harm human health via food
chains. In this study morphological characteristics of Triticum aestivum were
observed to be affected by the uptake and accumulation of various amounts of
zinc and copper metal under controlled glasshouse conditions using the
hydroponic technique. Dharabi-11 variety (moderately sensitive and drought
tolerant) of wheat was selected for this research. The concentration of 50 µM and
100 µM Zinc chloride (ZnCl2) and Copper chloride (CuCl2) were added for
moderate and toxic treatment respectively. One-way ANOVA analysis of
phenotypic data obtained under different duration of treatments showed non significant effects as compared to the control groups. Heavy metal ATPases
(HMA) are integral membrane proteins that help in the translocation of heavy
metals in plants. Previously 9 HMA genes (HMA1 to HMA9) were reported. The
current study has just focused on HMA1 gene.