The bridge piers of old bridges are often found deficient either due to increased load class
of traffic or damages caused by various reasons. In some cases the seismic requirements
are found lacking due to poor detailing or ignorance of seismic effect at time of design and
construction of bridge piers. Seismic performance is affected by material properties,
quantity of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement, external confinement, axial load and
shear span-depth ratio. These parameters are considerably different in the pre-1970
provision of code as compared to the current seismic requirements. Various retrofitting
techniques have been developed which can enhance the strength and ductility of RC bridge
This research is intended to examine the efficacy of one such strengthening technique,
involving the use of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) jackets in plastic hinge
region, in enhancing the displacement capacity and strength of bridge piers. In addition,
nonlinear reverse cyclic testing and analysis are carried out in order to determine the lateral
load carrying capacity, flexural ductility, and hysteretic behavior of such retrofitted piers