Aggregates usually makeup 75-85% by mass and 60-75% by volume of concrete and significantly affect the properties of freshly mixed and hardened concrete, economy, sustainability, and mix proportions. Pakistan has major reserves of different mineral ores which can be beneficial in the construction industry. At the global level, natural aggregates can be considered an infinite natural resource. Furthermore, some areas can experience a supply interruption due to sterilization or overexploitation that could result in severe environmental, social, and economic impacts. This research study focuses to investigate the material characterization and performance of Chromite Based Aggregate (CBA) with respect to limestone aggregate (MA) which is already being utilized in the construction industry.
Such aggregate possesses high density and dense microstructure packing thus imparting strength to normal concrete but their effects on the environment and concrete paste are relatively unknown. CBA can be used worldwide in the construction of road infrastructure due to its high abrasion resistance, high toughness, and high compressive strength.
Thus the correct proportioning of such aggregate with normal aggregate could lead us to new durable concrete. One such Chromite Based Aggregate (CBA) source is identified for which physical and chemical properties were established and its bonding with the concrete paste is studied using a suitable concrete mix design. A suitable proportion is developed to achieve a high- performance concrete with no to minimal durability issues.
This research focuses on studying the performance of concrete incorporated by heavy metal aggregates after replacing them with normal weight aggregates, it improves the mechanical as well as durability properties of normal weight concrete under different dosages incorporated in concrete.