Information transfer in construction industry has always been immense mainly in
the form of letters, emails or field study notes etc. But the process used
predominantly, which is Manual Content Analysis (MCA) or manual method to deal
with information extraction has never been quite pleasant due to number of
inefficiencies including time-consuming, error prone, costly etc. To refine the
approach and enhance the system, automated information extraction was explored
and for this a code was prepared consisting of particular libraries and operations.
This procedure based on the Natural Language Processing (NLP) technique using
Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted in extracting the useful information out from
massive data, in our case the letters.
The positive productivity by using this Automated Content Analysis (ACA) can be
observed as it has eliminated all the issues that are associated with or may arise as
a result of MCA process by making the Content Analysis (CA) process fast, and
less troublesome.