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A Simplified Framework for Performance-Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Frame Elements

Show simple item record Anjum, Abubakar 2022-10-19T04:42:45Z 2022-10-19T04:42:45Z 2022
dc.description.abstract This report offers a new and a simplified solution to the complex and time taking procedure of Performance-based Design (PBD). This is achieved by assessing element level performance instead of the structure level performance. This new approach makes Performance-based Design (PBD) more adaptable in the field of structural engineering, especially in developing countries like Pakistan. Specifically, the simplified framework is provided through development of a computer software coded in Excel VBA. The solution is validated against the complicated and time taking Non-Linear Time History Analysis (NLTHA) procedure and its results. The report further discusses the importance of the adaptability of Performance-based design (PBD) as the need of high-rise construction emerges in Pakistan en_US
dc.title A Simplified Framework for Performance-Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Frame Elements en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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  • BS [164]

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