Deep excavations are becoming common in urban environments, be it for the construction of
multi-story buildings or tunnels or underground subway networks etc. These excavations result
in lateral movements of retaining structure and consequently lead to vertical settlement in the
retained soil mass which in turn, leads to settlement in the foundation of any neighboring
structure. With the ever-growing demand for structures mentioned previously in developing
nations as well where a lack of adequate field data presents a challenge in estimating these
settlements it is imperative that a method be devised or adequate modifications to existing
equations/ methods be made, such that suitable yet conservative estimates of loads, deflections
and settlements can be made to aid in the design of an adequate support structure that can
mitigate the threat of any potential loss or damage to life or property. The design despite being
conservative should also be such that it does not compromise the economy of the project to an
extent where it is deemed unfeasible.