Virtual Reality (VR is a computer-generated simulated environment that may be similar to or different from the real world), has given a paradigm shift to the technological world. From the world of just images and 2d objects, we have now entered into a whole new virtual world that is more interactive and intuitive. Virtual reality has proven to be the best education tool as it provides a virtual interactive environment and in-depth knowledge of the subject being presented. In our previous research work, we reviewed the role of VR in education and learning for people with disabilities. The current research aims to explore the accomplishments of virtual reality technology for the progression of dyslexics. Dyslexia is a learning disorder that effects an individual’s reading, spelling, phonological skills and working memory. We have proposed a User-Centered design and development process model (UCDDPM) that also includes design guidelines to develop VR-based accessible applications for dyslexics. Existing dyslexia-specific mobile games have been evaluated using evaluation matrices for dyslexics. "Alphalexiv" is a webVR-based learning game we aim to develop by implementing the proposed guidelines and UCDDPM. A prototype has been developed in this thesis. The prototype has been evaluated using online accessibility tools for dyslexics. The research has concluded that VR-based applications when developed using proposed guidelines and UCDDPM play a vital role in the betterment of dyslexics, enhancing attention, readability and working memory. Further large-scale studies based on the proposed methodologies are suggested to benefit dyslexics on a widespread scale.