In large-scale constructions, the strength and durability of the materials used are highly
considered features. It has been noticed that the strength and thermal resistance of construction
mixtures can be improved by replacing some percentage of any of the construction material in
a mix like sand. One such replacement is Bentonite whose usage as a partial replacement of
sand is under study. Although concrete plays a significant role in degrading the impact caused
by fire, the tensile module and compression strength of concrete degrade when it is exposed to
high temperatures. So, a noticeable impact is produced on the concrete along with affecting the
bearing capacity of concrete. Bentonite will be used as a filler material (replacement of sand)
in concrete mix and its behavior will be observed for strength and fire resistivity at different
temperatures. Analysis of the optimum value of bentonite which can replace sand in the context
of strength and thermal resistance of concrete is made with the optimum value of bentonite in
mortar plaster by replacing sand. This study will also reveal the effect of fire on concrete
specimens coated with mortar plaster in which bentonite is replacing sand in three different
ratios. The anticipated results will define the comparison with the control samples that are
tested at room temperature along with the empirical associations used as the input to evaluate
and design the concrete structures.