Begomovirus of family Geminiviridae has been a considerable hindrance in producing
high agricultural yields and causes severe economic losses in the majority of agro-based
countries, including Pakistan. Among them only the cotton leaf curl disease (CLCuD) caused
over US$ 5 billion loss to the Pakistan economy during the mid to late 1990s. Begomovirus
also affects about 80 to 85 percent ornamental plants. This group of plant viruses is
transmitted by whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) and infects dicotyledonous plants only. This group
is composed of single stranded, circular DNA genome. A lot of data with reference to
begomovirus diversity is available from Pakistan but scientific reports related to begomovirus
from Azad Kashmir area are scanty. The project was designed: (I) to collect begomovirus
suspected symptomatic and asymptomatic leaves samples from areas around Azad Kashmir;
(II) to perform diagnostic PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) for the presence or absence of
begomovirus; (III) molecular characterization of begomoviruses. About twenty five
begomovirus suspected plant samples were collected. Total DNA was extracted, from both
symptomatic and asymptomatic samples, using CTAB (Cetyl Tri methyl Ammonium
Bromide) method. PCR was performed for diagnosis and amplification of begomoviruses.
Only two samples i.e., Turmeric and Bottle gourd showed the amplification with universal
core protein (CP) primers. The amplified partial products, DNA A and DNA betasatellite, of
Turmeric and Bottle gourd respectively, were sequenced. This confirms the begomoviruses
presence in these samples. Since Pakistan is an agricultural country, the diverse studies of
begomoviruses, especially from far flung regions of the country, will contribute significantly
for the development of scientific strategy for the problem