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Visual Programming Languages a Comparative Analysis of VPL

Show simple item record Pervez, Laiba Supervised by Dr. Fahim Arif. 2023-01-20T04:15:30Z 2023-01-20T04:15:30Z 2022-12
dc.identifier.other TCS-535
dc.identifier.other MSCSE / MSSE-26
dc.description.abstract The task of selecting which VPL is ideal for learns are a problem foe college students and professor alike. They had been unable to concentrate on good judgment and tried to observe grammar rather, which was a terrible situation. The major goals of this thesis are to conduct a comparative analysis of visible programming languages and to discover the important thing components of thesis VPLs as a way to help instruction and studies in focusing on logical reasoning. We shall discover which language VPLs are prefect for novices with this thesis. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Visual Programming Languages a Comparative Analysis of VPL en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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