Building Information Modeling (BIM) has gained attention in the Architectural,
Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. BIM envisage the use of virtual ndimensional
(n-D) models generated in computers to simulate the design, construction,
planning and operation of a facility. It allows the engineers, architects and constructors to
visualize what is to be built in virtual environment and to identify potential conflicts in
design, construction or operational of the facility. Along-with many advantages there are
certain barriers associated with BIM adoption which hinders the implementation of BIM
in AEC industry. This research aims to rank the advantages, barriers and potential fields
of application of BIM in AEC industry of Pakistan.
This research quantifies the difference in perception of AEC professionals
regarding the advantages, risks and potential applications of BIM. Furthermore, the
research will bench mark the current state of BIM adoption and also predicts the future
of BIM in Pakistan. The study is undertaken via a questionnaire based survey comprising
of 7 advantages, 12 barriers and 12 application of BIM. A pilot study was conducted that
involved three local architects, two academia professionals, one contractor and one
engineering consultant to establish the adequacy and appropriateness of the identified
advantages, risks and potential applications. The questionnaire was modified based on
the results of the pilot study and an open ended question requiring suggestions for
making BIM popular in Pakistan was incorporated. Data collected from 102 respondents,
(that includes architects, engineering consultants, contractors, sub contractors / suppliers,
research and development professionals) form 50 organizations varying from small to
very large in size and working across the Pakistan and is analyzed using SPSS.