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Modeling and Simulation of Steady State Load Flow Analysis Techniques and Implementation of Broyden’s Method

Show simple item record Iftikhar, Fatima 2023-03-03T06:05:43Z 2023-03-03T06:05:43Z 2023-01-01
dc.identifier.other RCMS003383
dc.description.abstract This thesis presents a study of power flow analysis in electrical power networks. In the case of steady-state or under no external influence, the power flow is mathematically represented in terms of active and reactive components. These equations are in the form of nonlinear algebraic equations that can be used to represent each of the sub-networks or power buses in the complete power network. The unknown parameters of the network can be identified by solving the complete network model/set of equations. Line Losses and system losses are calculated by computing the difference between total power gen- erated and total power demand. The solution of the network model is possible using iterative techniques such as Gauss seidel, Fast decoupled, and Newton-Raphson method (NR). Among these methods, the NR method is well used in the literature, however, it involves the inverse of the Jacobian matrix in each iteration which is computationally expensive in large-scale settings. To address this issue Broyden’s method has been used to ensure a rank-1 update of the Jacobian matrix at each iteration and Sherman Morrison’s formula is implemented to compute the Jacobian inverse using rank-1 up- dates. This saves a large portion of the computational cost associated with the direct inverse of Jacobian in each iteration. The performance of Broyden’s method is compared with the NR method on various benchmark power networks, including the IEEE 3-Bus, 4-Bus, 5-Bus, 6-Bus, 9-Bus, and 39-Bus systems. Implementing these methods on some benchmark examples of power networks and it is observed that the computational cost is 6% better than the Iterative NR method for the IEEE 3 bus system. In terms of computation time IEEE 3-Bus,4-Bus,5-Bus,6-Bus,9-Bus, and 39-Bus NR method takes about 0.066s,0.063s,0.082s,0.089s, and 0.098s respectively. Similarly, Broyden’s method on IEEE 3-Bus,4-Bus 5-Buss,6-Bus,9-Bus, and 39-Bus improves computational time 0.033s(6%),0.039s(5%),0.042s(%4),0.048s(4%),0.066(2%),0.066s(2%), respectively. Fur- ther applying rank1 update for Jacobin matrix for IEEE 3-Bus,4-Bus 5-Buss,6-Bus, 9-Bus x and 39-Bus calculation time improves as 0.039s(5%),0.057s(4%),0.061s(2%),0.070s(3%), 0.073s(2%),and0.066s(2%) respectively. The calculation time for power flow analysis increase as the system size increase still less than the Newton-Raphson method. Due to the sparsity of the Jacobin matrix calculation time doesn’t increase notably as the size goes to IEEE-39 Bus system. The problem of singularity that arises in the Newton- Raphson method is solved. It is observed that the method is robust to the choice of initial approximation and takes lesser time to simulate as compared to the Newton-Raphson method. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Dr. Mian Ilyas Ahmad en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher SINES NUST en_US
dc.subject Power Flow Analysis, Active Power, Reactive Power, Newton Raphson Method, Broyden’s Method, Jacobian Inverse en_US
dc.title Modeling and Simulation of Steady State Load Flow Analysis Techniques and Implementation of Broyden’s Method en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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