Throughout the mid-20th century, government and industry have contributed to transforming
the way industry interacts with the environment. Climate change has emerged as one of the
biggest challenges in the world. There is a call to mitigate climate change risks by limiting
carbon emissions and adopting environmentally friendly practices. This study identifies role
model corporations that integrate environmental protection measures into their operations. It
also explores the specific strategies /practices adopted by such corporations. It investigates
sensitizing other businesses in Pakistan by sharing the information collected through the best
practices of corporations. The study concludes by providing suggestions for refining
strategies and policies based on the research results. A critical in-depth review of
international studies was conducted. The review of international practices of cement, textile,
chemical, leather, and paper and pulp industry helped in designing localized questionnaires
for Pakistani industries. A case study approach was used, and industries from the oil,
chemical, and clothes sector were chosen. These industries were interviewed based on
selected indicators. Based on the analysis, the study proposed guidelines and
recommendations for Pakistani industries to adopt environmentally friendly and climate
change mitigation measures for sustainable development and cleaner production.