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AI / ML based Solution for User Position Estimation

Show simple item record Aftab, Maria 2023-06-19T05:44:32Z 2023-06-19T05:44:32Z 2023
dc.description Dr. Syed Ali Hassan en_US
dc.description.abstract With the advent of 5G and 6G technologies, WiFi based outdoor positioning and lo calization schemes have found applications in the domains of autonomous driving, IoT (Internet of Things), vehicular tracking, smart cities etc. Most of these positioning algorithms are based on supervised learning approaches which require copious amount of labelled data which is costly. However, the use of Massive MIMO Transmitters and Receivers have led to the availability of vast amount of unlabelled data. In this re search we propose a baseline DCNN (Deep Convolutional Neural Network) supervised model that takes CSI (Channel State Information) values, gathered by 8 x 8 massive MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) antenna array as input for estimating user positional coordinates. To leverage the information stored in the unlabelled data, we propose a self-supervised learning approach that consists of a pretext and downstream task. Pretext task consists of an Autoencoder which extracts the useful features from the unlabelled CSI of 56 antennas and 924 subcarriers. The trained Encoder from the pretext task is later utilized in the downstream task to extract features of labelled CSI samples. The extracted features are utilized as an input to the downstream DCNN for predicting the position of the user. Both supervised and self-supervised methods are compared. The proposed self-supervised method yields better accuracy as compared to the supervised model. Hence establishing that leveraging the unlabeled data using self-supervised techniques can lead to better performance and accuracy in the domain of localization. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (SEECS) NUST en_US
dc.title AI / ML based Solution for User Position Estimation en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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