This study aims to find out the perception, level of awareness about anti-sexual harassment policies
and experiences of students enrolled in higher education institutes in Islamabad.
This is an exploratory study which aimed to collect baseline data about students’ perceptions, level
of awareness about anti-sexual harassment policies and experiences in HEI. For this purpose the
study employed a mixed methods approach for data collection to present holistic results. It
collected both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data was gathered through the
questionnaires designed to collect data on students’ perceptions, level of awareness about policies
against sexual harassment and experiences of 384 students in HEI. Whereas, qualitative data was
collected through 2 sex-segregated focus group discussion. Data collected through the
questionnaires was analyzed using SPSS, whereas a content analysis was carried out of the FGD.
Results from the study reveal that only half the students are highly perceptive of the concept of
sexual harassment. Furthermore, gender differences are significant in perceptions of students. In
addition, it also revealed that awareness about anti-sexual harassment mechanisms is low, whereas
a majority of students who have faced sexual harassment experienced mild to moderately severe
forms of sexual harassment. As far as HEC guidelines are concerned, though the HEI selected for
this study had adopted the guidelines, evidence from the data gathered suggests that varsities
appear to be following them selectively and inadequately.
Keeping the results into consideration, HEI should take steps that not only improve the level of
students’ familiarity about the concept but also make them conversant with the anti-sexual
harassment policies. In addition, HEI should create an environment that is unforgiving towards
harassing behavior. Unless conscious effort is made by HEI to keep campuses harassment free, the
plague of sexual harassment will continue to exist in universities despite the existence of a
comprehensive policy against it.