Cyperaceae is one of the common groups of blossoming plants and the top 10th group of angiosperms
containing around 5500 species scattered in 109 genera from one side of the planet to the other. The relatives
are by and large known as sedges. Fundamental distinctive elements of the relatives are having the trigonous
stem with generally bract longer than and terminal inflorescence. The sedges are sorted as lasting spices.
These plants play a part in various bioactivities and furthermore have ethno-herbal significance in light of
the fact that different plants are utilized for treatment of problems normally. Cyperaceae is appropriated
from streams, marshlands, lowlands to grasslands. Because of discrete inflorescence and multi-layered
morphology scientific classification of this family is exceptionally intricate. This exploration accentuations
on the biosystematic investigation of three Cyperaceae species; Fimbristylis littoralis, Cyperus difformis
and Carex setigera var. schalgintwietiana. These examples were gathered from Northern spaces of Pakistan.
First and foremost, for disclosing the morphological characters stereomicroscope is utilized to notice
different pieces of inflorescence: utricle, anthers, dusts and glumes. Checking electron magnifying
instrument (SEM) is utilized to disclose the miniature morphological characters. Herbarium examples were
submitted to PMNH. To additionally affirm recognizable proof atomic investigation is performed. DNA
extraction is performed utilizing 2% CTAB DNA extraction convention, enhanced through polymerase
chain response utilizing four marker qualities ITS, ETS, rbcL and mat-K and sequenced. These groupings
were subsequently submitted to NCBI. Geneious prime were utilized for phylogenetic examination. Three
trees (Bayesian, NJ and most extreme probability) were built to uncover the phylogeny. This computational
work showed cozy relationship of specie with the same taxa. From this exploration, it was summed up that
ITS and ETS are amazing markers to recognize these three individuals from sedges while more examination
is expected to affirm rbcL and matK are acceptable markers for important species.