Mouldered air quality because of swelled up demand sector and rapid industrialization is leading
to the deterioration of human health, particularly in a developing country like, Pakistan. Like other
physiological issues, air contamination has deleterious effect on the gastrointestinal health of
people residing closer to the industrial units. The aim of this study is to explore the relationship
of self-reported gastrointestinal issues among the residents with having accommodation in the
proximity of the Industrial Estate Islamabad (IEI). Furthermore, preventive measures adopted by
the residents and government in response to air pollution and health degradation are also evaluated.
This cross sectional study is based on the comparison between two groups i.e. designed on the
basis of distance from the Industrial Estate of Islamabad. Band I includes area within 650 meters
while band II includes area between 650 meters and 1300 meters. The perimeter of the selected
site i.e. IEI was digitized using Google Earth (version 7). Adjusted Odds Ratios (AORs) of both
digestive and eliminative issues were computed with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). Results
of the regression analysis showed that the odds of respondents of band I in adoption of preventive
measure are more than of band II, stipulating the idea that residents of band I are affected more.
For band I there is significantly increasing odds ratio of digestive health issues i.e. Acid reflux
AOR 4.04 (2.45-6.64), Uneasiness due to bloating AOR 2.14 (1.34-3.43), Headache/dizziness
AOR 3.37 (2.06-5.53), Nausea AOR 3.10 (1.85-5.18), Heartburn AOR 3.81 (2.29-6.33) and of
eliminative issues i.e. Abdominal pain AOR 2.16 (1.34-3.48), Bloating AOR 2.25 (1.39-3.61),
Constipation AOR 2.31 (1.36-3.93), and Defecation strain AOR 5.79 (3.35-10) and Early Satiety
AOR 1.95 (1.22-3.13). Results of the study suggest that respondents from band I are more likely
to suffer with the digestive and eliminative health issues and they are also likely to be more
engaged in adoption or preventive measures.