Divorce cases are seen to be growing all around the globe in different countries and region
regardless of the countries falling under the banner of Industrialization or non -industrialized
colonies. Divorce is a term used to indicate the “permanent separation between a married couple.
However, it is an experience that has different perspectives attached to it. In case of Pakistan, many
causes have been studied in the past that result in divorce. However, not all the perspectives have
been put forth at the front keeping the diverse discernments of divorce people towards their broken
marriages. Hence, this study has attempted to explore the possible hidden causes, complexities,
and challenges that individuals’ face in their marriage to the separation process until the end of
divorce to understand the barriers contributing towards higher divorce rates in Pakistan. To fulfill
the purpose of this research, a qualitative research methodology is applied through a snowball and
purposive sampling method to choose the sample population for participants. To acquire greater
insight into the subject matter a thematic analysis was done after the data was collected. For this,
in-depth interviews were conducted from the respondents belonging to twin cities of Pakistan,
namely Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The findings of this study have pointed out all the possible
minor and major causes and challenges that the respondents faced during their marriage that led to
the annulment of their marriage. The results acquired were multidimensional as it entailed and
operationalized the theory of Attachment by John Bowlby and Wiseman’s model of divorce as a
crises and mourning process in context of Pakistani culture. This highlighted th e aspects of
attachment bonds between intimate partners and the significance it has to an individual along with
the phycological, emotional and physical dimension of a conjugal relationship that are demanding
traits of a marriage but are mostly disregarded as severe challenges in Pakistan. Therefore, this
study reveals those aspects of marriage that need to be well thought-out to save marital
relationships leading towards healthier marriages and low divorce rates.