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IGWO-based Improved Robust Nonlinear Control Design for Androgen Suppression Therapy in Prostate Tumor Patients Optimization

Show simple item record Rehman, Atif 2023-07-10T05:36:22Z 2023-07-10T05:36:22Z 2023-07-10
dc.identifier.other RCMS003406
dc.description.abstract Tumor recurrence is a severe problem of prostate cancer hormone therapy. Long-term androgen deprivation may result in the regeneration of androgen-independent (AI) cells. Intermittent androgen suppression (IAS) may be used to postpone or avoid androgen- independent relapse. Long-term hormone deprivation is associated with side effects poorly tolerated by patients. As a result, IAS is projected to improve clinical efficacy while reducing adverse effects and improving patients’ quality of life during off-treatment times. Numerous mathematical models have been developed in the literature to investi- gate cancer dynamics in the context of hormone therapy. In this research work, various nonlinear controllers, including sliding mode control (SMC), integral (SMC), super- twisting (SMC), integral super-twisting (SMC), and adaptive positive semi-definite bar- rier function-based (SMC) to investigate the potential of these control strategies to improve hormone therapy’s effectiveness and patient outcomes, specifically in address- ing tumor recurrence and improving prostate cancer care. However, using controllers to diminish cancer cells develops resistance to the treatment in most trials, highlight- ing the need for accurate drug scheduling. The gains of the proposed controllers have been tuned using improved grey wolf optimization with integral time absolute error as an objective function. The stability of the controllers is verified through mathematical analysis based on the Lyapunov stability theory. The proposed controllers are simulated in MATLAB/Simulink, and hardware validation is accomplished through a hardware-in- loop experimental setup with the C2000 DelfinoTM and the MCU F28379D Launchpad in the real-time scenario. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher SINES NUST. en_US
dc.subject APSBFSMC; Improved Gray Wolf Optimization; Hardware-in-loop; Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) en_US
dc.title IGWO-based Improved Robust Nonlinear Control Design for Androgen Suppression Therapy in Prostate Tumor Patients Optimization en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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