Petrophysical properties are critical for accurate exploration and production
of oil and gas. Specifically, sandstone reservoirs pose a great challenge to oil extraction
due to their specific characteristics including permeability variability, tortuosity, com-
paction and cementation, saturation, capillary trapping, and reservoir heterogeneity.
To date, extensive research has been conducted on sandstone reservoirs to understand
oil recovery strategies. However, there remains a lack of in-depth studies on the spe-
cific properties of sandstone reservoirs in Pakistan, hindering optimal extraction and
recovery strategies. To overcome this gap, the study marks the first comprehensive
investigation in Pakistan, employing advanced image-based methods such as Micro X-
ray CT Imaging, Digital Image Processing (DIP), and Pore Network Modeling (PNM),
coupled with spectroscopic techniques.
Datta sandstone extracted from Toot Oil-filed located in the Attock district
of Punjab, Pakistan, was acquired from the Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pak-
istan (HDIP) and was subjected to Micro X-ray CT Imaging, providing insights into
pore space distribution and characteristics. This imaging quantified parameters such
as porosity, pore diameter, connectivity, and tortuosity. Pore Network Modeling was
then employed to assess pore space connectivity and geometrical characteristics, en-
abling the estimation of absolute permeability. Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy
and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy were also utilized to identify the elemen-
tal composition and mineral presence in the sandstone. Notably, the application of
Micro X-ray CT, DIP, and PNM provided a rapid and cost-effective alternative to
conventional core analysis of Datta sandstone.
List of Figures
The results revealed an average porosity of 10% and an average pore di-
ameter of 0.0777 mm. The tortuosity value obtained was 1.1939, and the estimated
average permeability was 87.18 mD. These values are fairly significant for oil recov-
ery procedures which closely aligns with the experimental values as well (Percentage
Errorporosity: 16.4% and Percentage Errorpermeability: 44.1%). Elemental and chemical
composition analysis revealed the presence of key minerals such as quartz and feldspar,
providing valuable insights into reservoir quality and behavior which is the need of the
time for the energy sector. Overall, this study can effectively contribute to the energy
sector by enhancing our understanding and optimizing hydrocarbon recovery strategies
in the Datta sandstone reservoir.