For the past few decades, ultrasonic cleaner has been widely used both in small scale working and industrial cleaning. The frequency ranges of ultrasonic waves are greater than 25kHz. With the help of these waves’ cavitation has generated inside the tank. This cavitation contains bubbles of high frequency which are responsible for cleaning. In this thesis, acoustic simulation of ultrasonic cleaning bath has been done. With the help of these simulations, placement and number of ultrasonic transducers were determine. For electronic circuit design, impedance data of each ultrasonic transducer has been obtained. With the help of this data the resonance modes have been obtained, on the basis of these modes driving circuit’s frequency was modified which was although variable in this case. After the development of ultrasonic cleaner, a validation technique using YOLO V5, and python has been developed which can help to determine the efficiency of the ultrasonic cleaners. For this purpose, foil perforation test was done. The accuracy of the developed technique was almost 98 percent