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Application of HEC-RAS 2D for Reconstruction and Modeling of the Tori Dike Breach Flood Inundation in Northern Sindh during 2010 Flood in Pakistan

Show simple item record BABAR NAEEM 2020-10-22T11:04:51Z 2020-10-22T11:04:51Z 2016-08-01
dc.description.abstract Flood inundation modeling, simulation and hazard mapping is tremendously useful for the flood and disaster management to reduce the damages. However, in Pakistan most of the flood hazard mapping and modeling is carried out for active flood plain, while, the “Residual Flood Risk” behind the levees (inactive flood plain) is often challenging and ignored. en_US
dc.title Application of HEC-RAS 2D for Reconstruction and Modeling of the Tori Dike Breach Flood Inundation in Northern Sindh during 2010 Flood in Pakistan en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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