Travelling is the essential part of our daily life. With the advancement of mobile technology
most of the traveling companies are providing online booking / reservation services to their
customers. These services on devices may hold an enormous amount of information. With the
increase of business in online traveling, there is an increase of threat. Therefore, Travelling is
one of the major categories that need to be investigated by forensic investigators. In this study,
for investigation, a Careem application is considered, where it is one of the most popular
traveling apps with 10M+ install base. For a digital forensic examiner, this application is a vital
source of information and evidence against the accused. We can draw more realistic results
based on accused traveling. Moreover, the Careem app provides some additional features like
balance transfer, mobile recharge, and item delivery which can provide sufficient clues and
artifacts that can help forensic examiner. The objective of this study is to forensically search and
analyze the remnants of performed activities on the application. It will facilitate the forensic
community in the analysis of such applications found in the smartphone of the accused or a
digital device at a crime scene. The findings may advance prosecution and provide valuable
evidence in the court of law. This will help in providing justice with facts and confirmation.