Waste management is the most important challenge present in urban areas and within few
years it will turn into a crucial issue because of a rapidly growing population. Accurate
systems for solid waste management is required are important for improper envoirment
and the well-being of peoples. The production of waste is domestically high but the struggle
of managing it comparatively very low. In the Islamic Republic of Pakistan like
(Rawalpindi) solid waste management sector is perhaps the worst off. There are no proper
collection and lack of innovation and lack of new application of different ways. There are
no reuse and recycling process in Pakistan.
In existing system, the entire work is based on manually or physically playing role, its time
consuming and pure Labouré work. In each morning the sweeper visits to the areas and
clean them. Than the trucks come and collect the waste. Truck use manual routes and round
all areas where the waste bin is full and where its empty. That is total waste of fuel, time
and man power in this method. This creates lack of management, control and coordination
among different departments working on waste management and workers. Huge amount of
resources is being waste for garbage collection using traditional approaches.
As proof of concept we applied our proposed system to a specific city. Our target city was
Islamabad & Rawalpindi while our target service is waste management service. First, we
had presented a comprehensive survey. This survey has been completed for collecting
different details of TWM system, e.g. their problems, type of waste generation in different
areas, type of waste disposal among different areas, waste collection techniques,
satisfaction, dissatisfaction scenario of customers, their health issues and many more.
We tend to purpose smart waste management (SWM) system that permits cities to lower
cost accounting by putting in sensors within the bins. It helps to monitor the trash level in
every bin. Bins are often empty, and it is expensive to ga9ther the waste from those bins,
once the bins square measure full, and the respective department can get notifications
through the sensors only when the collection truck requires to empty the bin.
This project will deduct the amount of waste collecting vehicles on the road. It clearly
saves the fuel price and lowers the traffic on roads. The waste management and collection
system aim to produce high quality of service to the citizens of the Islamic Republic of