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Achieving Sustainability and Energy Efficiency through BIM

Show simple item record Arslan Sajid, Dr. Mughees Aslam 2023-07-19T07:40:09Z 2023-07-19T07:40:09Z 2023
dc.description.abstract Our project focuses on conducting an energy analysis of a building currently under construction. We will specifically investigate the impact of sustainable materials on energy efficiency. The project entails creating a detailed model of the building and examining the influence of different orientations and architectural features on energy analysis. Additionally, we will identify any existing design flaws or inconsistencies that hinder energy efficiency and propose appropriate solutions to enhance the building's energy performance en_US
dc.publisher NUST-MCE en_US
dc.title Achieving Sustainability and Energy Efficiency through BIM en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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