NUST Institutional Repository

Development of UGV Communication system using Wi-Fi Network Hopping technique

Show simple item record Khan, Muhammad Wajid 2023-07-24T10:02:48Z 2023-07-24T10:02:48Z 2022
dc.identifier.other 317544
dc.description Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Umar Shahbaz Khan en_US
dc.description.abstract With the advancement in wireless technologies for better quality of service and connectivity, seamless roaming capability for unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) have been the focus of research. To provide mobility features in a network, handoff management techniques are utilized based on the multiple network parameters and decision criteria. The research describes recently used methodologies for handoff involving single to multiple network parameters. The focus of the research is utilizing fuzzy technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution (F-TOPSIS) based handoff decision making algorithm with six parametric weights i.e., received signal strength indicator (RSSI), bandwidth, signal to interference & noise ratio (SINR), network delay, data loss, and bit error rate, calculation using fuzzy analytical hierarchal process (FAHP) involving three traffic classes i.e., video, control, and background. Three decision metrices for network, mobile node, and user preference, are used in decision making algorithm by evaluating performance coefficient of available networks based on their respective distance from best and worst ideal solutions. Handoff criteria-I and II based on difference of performance value and its percentage respectively are proposed to manage handoff decision making process. Performance analysis of handoff criteria-I & II is done based on different environmental conditions with varying threshold and best performance values to reduce the number of unnecessary handoffs and handoff response time. The network classification based on performance value from proposed technique is compared to traditional TOPSIS and suitable threshold value reduces the number of unnecessary handoffs and response time without affecting the handoff performance en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.subject Keywords: Handoff, Handoff management, Multiple parametric weights, Fuzzy TOPSIS, FAHP, Handoff performance analysis en_US
dc.title Development of UGV Communication system using Wi-Fi Network Hopping technique en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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