Adoption rate of Photovoltaic systems as a secondary source of energy is increasing sharply.
Partial shadowing drastically decreases output PV power and shortens working lifetime. In this
research work performance and efficiency of single and double diode solar cell models of different
material such as Copper indium selenide (CIS), Cadmium telluride (CdTe), Copper Indium
Gallium Selenide (CIGS), and Amorphous Silicon (a-Si) will be analyzed under different shading
patterns. The novelty of this research work is analyzing the impact of different shadowing patterns
on the output of PV arrays of single and double diode solar cell models made up of abovementioned materials. This research shows the CIS has higher efficiency among all four materials
due to its higher lab efficiency of 22.9%. This research will result in set of recommendations for
adoption of specific PV system for different shadowing conditions.