IoT-based safety applications are one of the most widespread applications today. In the application, we’ve integrated IoT-based sensors in a smart safety helmet designed for a variety of applications. The helmet can be modified to fit any industry with different sensors attached. However, for the purpose of this study, the research is limited to construction sites. The basic model comprises sensors that monitor the location, and health, and promote the safety of the worker wearing the helmet. The project is a product that comprises several sensors that are connected to a microcontroller. The values of these sensors are sent through wireless communication, which is the ESP-NOW library. All the values can be analyzed on a web portal on another microcontroller that serves as a receiver. The web portal enables the person sitting on the other end to analyze values in real-time signals sent continuously to the supervisors’ room. There is also a camera that sends footage across to the control room and enables them to monitor the work progress of these workers. The final product is very user-friendly and attached to a buzzer. It alerts the worker through a buzzer if any of the safe thresholds given to the sensor exceed a given limit. The main objective is to make the product accessible to various fields and very easy to use by any layman. Wearing a helmet can provide safety to the construction and is a necessity when working on site. Thus, an upgraded version of this same helmet infused with IoT technology is a life-saving tool for them. Cost-effective microcontrollers like the ESP-32 make it easier to afford the helmet.