dc.description.abstract |
Aircraft noise is one of the primary areas for aviation industry all around the globe.
According to International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO, European aviation community
has come together to work on improvement and abatement of aircraft noise. Due
to e cient and quieter engines, airframe noise is major contributor for noise in commercial
airliners. This noise is especially noticeable during landing and taking o . Airframe
noise has 3 major contributors, slat noise,
ap noise and landing gear noise. The trailing
edge noise is caused due to the interaction of turbulence and the trailing edge, while the
slat noise is due to the circulation in the slat gaps. This thesis is an analysis of airframe
noise due to slat and
ap in commercial airliners.
Computational Aeroacoustic Analysis (CAA) is used, with a combination of DES
and RANS. According to literature this technique makes the noise prediction a ordable
and su ciently accurate. From the pressure
uctuations along the surface, the far- eld
acoustics are computed with Ffwoccs Williams Hawking FWH model in a commercial
software Fluent by ANSYSR
TC12 three element high lift airfoil which is the airfoil pro le for Airbus A320 aircraft
is used for the CFD and CAA. The analysis is done in three con gurations of the in nite
wing in approach, take-o and landing con gurations with di erent deployment of high
lift devices. The nal results indicate the dipole nature of noise produced by the wing.
The OASPL values show that the noise produced is highly dependent on the de
of slats and
ap, where the major contribution is from leading edge slats. |
en_US |