Cognitive architectures are the key foundation of any socially interactive robots in a human-robot interactive environment. Nature-inspired Humanoid Cognitive Computing Platform for Self-aware and Conscious Agent (NiHA), published in 2018, is a cognitive agent that was implemented using Quantum Bio-Inspired Cognitive Agent (QuBIC) and simulated iCub robot. This research intends to integrate NiHA with the NAO robot, replacing simulated iCub in NiHA. NAO will enable NiHA to socially interact with humans using its existing cognitive capabilities. In this research, a cognitive interface has been developed by re-implementing sensory-motor memory, visual perceptual associative memory, and procedural memory block of NiHA. Keeping in view due to the cognitive and computational complexity of NiHA, only socio-communication skills will be interfaced and evaluated. Current research implements perceptual associative memory along with modules required to get sensory data from NAO robot, which is named NiNA. NiNA encodes visual perception in NiHA’s Knowledge Representation Scheme in the form of perceptual signals. These signals will be transmitted to other existing cognitive modules of NiHA which can generate a response. These responses will be utilized by the newly implemented version of procedural memory to generate actions that will involve speech with related body language.