Model Transformations (MTs) are the cornerstone of Model-Driven Engineering
(MDE). MTs systematically transform input models to output models. Validating
MTs establishes credibility of MDE which finds its applicability in avionics and
automotive industries, however; it is a non-trivial task as models are complex
structures consisting of attributes and associations of various cardinalities. These
models conform to their corresponding Metamodel (MM) which defines the model
structure. A MM further imposes additional constraints on models that they must
satisfy. These constraints manifest as Boolean expressions adding to the complexity
of models, making it all the more challenging to validate MTs for which test models
need to be generated. Previous studies showed that formal techniques for Test Model
Generation (TMG) involved overhead of intermediate formalism, were time
consuming and suffered from combinatorial explosion. In contrast to formal
techniques, Search-based Software Testing (SBST) demonstrated effective and
efficient TMG. SBST relies on search algorithms guided by heuristics and a Fitness
Function (FF) defined using different coverage criteria targeting model constraints.
Previously, FF based on weaker criteria such as Decision Coverage (DC) has been
widely studied. Few studies cater stronger condition-based coverage criteria only by
reusing DC‟s FF. This results in inadequate coverage for stronger criteria that are
often mandated as standards in MDE industries. To better cater condition-based
criteria, we propose a five-step approach employing SBST. A novel condition-based
FF is also proposed. Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC) is selected as
the coverage criterion. Alternating Variable Method (AVM) is selected as the search
algorithm. An existing tool named EsOCL is extended to realize our approach. Two
case studies of varying complexity are used to evaluate our approach in terms of
coverage and success rate. Our condition-based FF is compared with the widely
studied DC‟s FF. Results are verified by means of an extensive analysis. Our results
demonstrate a significant improvement of ~36.2% in terms of coverage and ~0.3% in
terms of success rate. Our proposed approach advocates for the efficacy of our
condition-based FF which delivers promising results, ranging from weaker to stronger
coverage criteria, in comparison to existing DC‟s FF