Release Notes (RNs) are one of the important artifacts in software development and
maintenance. RNs are required when a new release/version of a software project is planned to
deploy or launch. RNs are the documentation of all the changes made to the new project It
contains description of newly added features, bug fixes, improvements, removed functionality,
library changes etc. Generating these notes manually is very complex and time consuming task.
In this research we present an automatic approach for generation of RNs. The intention of this
research is to generate automatic RNs for Node JS project. The implementation of the proposed
approach is done in Python programming language. Our system extract changes from Git
repository, summarizes these changes, get deprecated features, library changes, fetches issues
from issue tracker and link these issues to code etc. The system hierarchically setup these
changes and produce an output in a word document. This approach is the state of the art
approach for node Js projects. We evaluate our results manually from 15 industry software
Engineers. The results obtained from our system shows that these RNs are very good and
accurate then ones produced manually.