Fresh water is much more limited, less than one percent of global water supply is fresh and growing human population are overtaxing and polluting this valuable source. Water being used by many communities' especially rural areas has serious health and aesthetic concerns. Long term solution to this problem will require investment of huge capital and commitment of authorities. However until such services are provided, steps can be taken to insure that impacted population has access to appropriate techniques that will improve the quality anAafety of drinking water. Under these circumstances this study has been undertaken to develop "Low —cost household water filter" that is within the reach of common man.
The study was carried out in five phases using both original and synthetic samples. In phase one various beds of silver-coated sand having different heights were constructed and inactivation of coliform colonies by these beds were determined. In phase two silver leaching test was carried out to ensure that there is no silver leaching from silver-coated sand bed that could endanger human health. In phase three removal of organic compounds causing taste, odor, and color by charcoal was determined. In phase four various beds of commonly available sand were constructed, these columns of sand were having different thicknesses. They were applied with different turbidity levels at different flow rate and evaluated for their removal of turbidity. In final phase taking aid from different data collected in phase one, two, three and four the filter was assembled and run. In the final phase cost of developed filter was also compared with similar water filters in the market.