Fresh drinking water is a necessity of all humans. The drinking water in most parts of the world is not good for health and Pakistan lies in these areas where drinking water quality is very poor. This is a fact that most of the health problems are due to this contaminated water. This study project was carried out in three phases and the original water samples were tested for the following parameters (turbidity, coliform colonies). The results of this study indicated that the filter worked excellent not only against coliform bacteria but also against the turbidity. The water samples of 12 diflu•ent sites of Punjab and NWFP were tested. The results also confirmed the efficiency of water filter and also the efficiency of silver coated sand. The removal efficiency of water filter for turbidity and bacterial coliform colonies were also calculated and the % removal for turbidity is 90 — 95 % and for E. Coli bacteria is almost 100%. The estimation was done tor all the three designs and it was observed that the cost per liter of water was 3 1 —65 paisa which was lesser than that of pure bottled water available in the market with different names as Nestle, Mountain, Aqua etc. costing Rs. 20 25. It is therefore recommended that these IESE developed filters should be replicated and distributed aniong the poor community specially the rural community where the water related diseases are very common and they can not afford to buy the costly filters available in the