ABSTRACT: An integrated circuit (IC) is a set of electronic devices on a small chip
which are the backbone of modern day hardware devices. These chips are now embedded
in everything from mobiles and computers to the fighter planes. These chips have billions
of components which are made in advanced fabrication facilities. However, the cost of
production is up to tens of billions of dollars. The design and manufacturing process of
the IC chips has changed in the form of globalization and outsourcing. Due to increasing
demand and high cost for production of IC chips, the recent trend in the supply chain
consists of a fabless design. In this model the requirements and the design are provided
by the company to an outside foundry for manufacturing and testing. The cheap labor
in third world countries also attracts a lot of companies for the fabless model. Due to
wide-spread increase in applications of embedded systems that use IC’s, their demand
has increased in every field of life but low security of these chips is a great problem.
Camouflaging is the technique to hide the components of a circuit to save it from hackers,
but the recent research showed that these techniques are easily deciphered. The chip
piracy and IP infringement are important serious issues in the IC supply chain process
as they directly effect the revenue of the semiconductor industry. The aim for reverse
engineering is to protect the IC circuits from the malicious modifications, (Intellectual
Property) IP violations and infringements. Our work aims at securing these circuits
from the IP theft which occur during the fabless manufacturing. The research work is
based on reverse engineering of the IC using the formal modeling approach. The netlist
of the IC circuit is used for this purpose to model a circuit in the form of a finite state
automata. The observations are encoded in the form of temporal logic patterns. The
model checking algorithm then iterates through components of a circuit an identifies the
hidden gates on the basis of output of (Computation Tree Logic) CTL formula. Finally
an application has been developed which takes (Symbolic Model Verifier) SMV files as
input and generates the list of hidden components in the circuit. The performance of
the application has been tested on benchmark circuits used in previous literature. The
results showed that our approach successfully reverse engineer the largest netlist circuit
s38584 with 11448 gates in 180 seconds.The developed application can be parallelized
in future to tackle larger circuits.