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Quality Framework for Ontology Evaluation Based on Structural Characteristics

Show simple item record Khan, Reda Ayesha 2023-08-09T07:30:28Z 2023-08-09T07:30:28Z 2019
dc.identifier.other 00000206709
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Usman Qamar en_US
dc.description.abstract In the domain of semantic web, ontologies play an important role for extracting the information and knowledge about the specific domain and present the problem in more understandable form. There many ontological web portals and thousands of ontologies was made on different domains. So to find out which ontology is better and which ontology can solve the required problems. For this purpose, ontology evaluation is very important. The main focus of ontology evaluation is to estimating the quality of ontology. There many frameworks for evaluation but there is still problem to evaluate the ontologies. And evaluation method also used to estimate the quality of existing ontologies and finding the gaps in the ontology to improve the existing ontology. In this paper we proposed an evaluation technique that use the structure characteristics to examine the quality of ontologies. For this we select different domains ontology and apply the proposed evaluation criteria. In our evaluation criteria, we check the quality of ontology on the basis of structured characteristics. Also our proposed framework can compare the same domain ontologies and tells which is best in terms of quality. The proposed framework can also evaluate all different formats of ontologies but the queries are different for different format. In this research we only apply owl format queries. But for the different formats of ontology the evaluation criteria are same only he queries are different according to the format. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.subject Key Words: Ontology, Structural characteristics, Quality, SPARQL , Ontology evaluation, Semantic web en_US
dc.title Quality Framework for Ontology Evaluation Based on Structural Characteristics en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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