Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by joint inflammation
leading to pannus formation which results in cartilage destruction promoting bone erosion. The
pathological hallmark of RA includes synovial hyperplasia and synovial angiogenesis. RA is
directly associated with active tissue neovascularization. Vascular endothelial Growth factor A
(VEGFA), an endothelial cell-specific proangiogenic molecule is triggered by hypoxic cells.
VEGFA promotes the angiogenic phenotype of RA by enhancing vascular permeability,
angiogenesis, endothelial cell proliferation and migration, and its levels are upregulated in RA.
The global rate of RA is approximately 0.5-1% (world-wide) whereas it accounts for more than
1.9% approximately in population of Pakistan.
By keeping in consideration, the incidence rate of RA we were aimed to investigate functional
and pathogenic VEGFA variants which are the leading cause of angiogenesis and to identify
impact of point mutation in VEGFA’s interaction with VEGFR2 and how these polymorphisms
effect the susceptibility and severity of RA.
In this study we investigated the most damaging non-synonymous SNPs of VEGFA using
extensive computational pipeline, that alter the structure and function of this protein. We further
identified the domains of VEGFA to locate our pathogenic variants followed by mining of
evolutionary conservation profile of all the variants to determine the extent of their deleterious
nature in which we identified that most of the conserved variations are part of first domain
(PDGF/VEGF) and few of the mutations were lying in the second domain (Heparin-Binding
domain). We also investigated impact of these point mutations on the stability of VEGFA where
almost all the mutations were responsible for decreasing the protein stability. We predicted the
phenotypic effect of all the variants by which we concluded that all the selected damaging SNPs
were buried inside the protein core. After that structural analysis was performed to determine
impact of single nucleotide polymorphism on structure of VEGFA. In order to validate our
structures, we constructed Ramachandran plots for native and mutants which confirmed that all
of our residues are lying in allowed region, for further validation we used ERRAT which
predicted overall quality factor which was more than 95% for all models confirming the validity
of our models. The prediction of protein-protein interaction showed interaction of VEGFA with
other proteins, where the interaction score of VEGFA was highest with FLT1, FLT4, KDR,
NRP1 AND NRP2. Based on the interactions we performed Protein-Protein docking between
VEGFA and KDR which encodes VEGFR2. We found few conserved interactions and number
of new polar contacts among wild type and mutants with VEGFR2. From the simulations, we
concluded that mutant R108Q was the most stabilizing mutant among all others whereas R82Q,
C86Y, and R108W complexed with VEGFR2 were comparatively less stabilizing as compared
to the wild type. By the end of this research, we obtained five highly pathogenic nsSNPs of
VEGFA among them R108Q was the most stable in complexed with VEGFR2. This study
provides insight into pathogenic nsSNPs that can affect VEGFA protein structure and function.
These high-risk variants must be taken into consideration for genetic screening of patients
suffering from RA.