Induction of labour is a procedure which is performed when benefits of interrupting or stopping
the pregnancy outweighs rather it is continued further. According to studies and surveys it is found
that about 25% of the women requires induction for delivery in developed countries and the
number slightly decreases in developing countries. Different methods are available to induce
labour induction including mechanical and chemical. Various protocols suggest hospitalization
before induction of labour but necessity of admission is not proven. Induction in a familiar home
like environment may have benefits psychologically as well as financially.
This study is about indoor and outdoor induction of labour, their outcomes and comparison of
results based on success. Firstly data of pregnant women was collected with singleton pregnancies
excluding complexities; patients were admitted in wards and emergency. Then machine learning
algorithms are applied on collected data to find out the success rate of outcomes using features
obtained at the time of admission. As hospitals of Pakistan are not much developed especially in
rural areas. This study will assist patient as well as doctor to make decisions either to refer the
patient to highly equipped hospital or not, also they will be able to predict the fetomaternal
A novel approach to present the comparative study of indoor and outdoor patients with future
prediction of four fetomaternal outcomes using supervised machine learning algorithms; with best
accuracy achieved by Ensemble Bagged Tree algorithms which is 87.9%, also concluded that
outdoor induction is better than indoor induction in terms of outcomes success.