Low frequency electrostatic drift waves are studied in multi-component plasmas
including usual electron-ion (EI), electron-positron ion (EPI) and dusty
plasmas. Cancellation of the contribution of the diamagnetic term in the convective
derivative of the ion polarization drift with the collision-less part of
the stress tensor is discussed in detail in the case of hot ions. Fourier analysis
has been performed to obtain the coupled linear dispersion relation of drift
wave and ion acoustic wave (IAW) in electron-ion plasma. Keeping in view
this cancellation, the dispersion relation of drift waves in hot ions plasma is
derived using the two fluid plasma model. The effect of field-aligned shear
flow on the instability of drift waves has also been studied. The propagation
characteristics of the drift waves in EPI and dusty plasmas have been investigated
and several limiting cases have been discussed. The growth rates of
drift wave instability in (EI) plasmas have been estimated numerically using
plasma parameters of Joint European Tokamak (JET) and terrestrial ionosphere.
It has been shown that the drift wave can become unstable in JET
if the parallel shear flow effect is taken into account.