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A Web-Based Construction Project Management Platform for FIDIC Construction Contracts: Enhancing Collaboration and Reduce Claims through Digitalized Contractual Communication

Show simple item record BASIM, MUHAMMAD 2023-08-09T10:41:00Z 2023-08-09T10:41:00Z 2023
dc.description.abstract This research project aims at replacing traditional paper-based methods with a digital platform, also it aims to improve communication and collaboration among stakeholders, while also providing a centralized location for tracking project progress and timelines. We used FIDIC standard contracts 1987 and 1992 Red Book versions, PEC standard bidding documents, and contracts based on FIDIC conditions of contract for our comprehensive research work. We create an online platform that streamlines and automates contractual communication among stakeholders involved in a specific project. The platform will serve as a digital repository for all communication records, enabling stakeholders to access and communicate about subject matters efficiently and economically. This platform will provide a secure and reliable way to store and access records and documentation, reducing the risk of loss or damage to physical records. This can help ensure that records and documentation are available when needed, without the risk of delays or difficulties accessing the necessary information. When a claim arises, certain documents and a record of issuance, acceptance and submission are needed. From this platform, we shall have proper records with respect to proper dates of issuance, acceptance, and submission available on time. In this way, many claims and disputes are reduced compared to traditional paper-based work in which records are unavailable on time and sometimes we do not have any records, This platform solves the problem. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST en_US
dc.title A Web-Based Construction Project Management Platform for FIDIC Construction Contracts: Enhancing Collaboration and Reduce Claims through Digitalized Contractual Communication en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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