dc.description.abstract |
Over the past decade, due to significant technological advancements, the complexity and demand
of embedded systems is growing exponentially. Consequently, industries dealing with the
development of embedded systems are under continual pressure to achieve improved productivity
and reduced time-to-market. Therefore, a comprehensive and just-in-time design & verification
becomes critical. To tackle this requirement, Assertion Based Verification (ABV) has emerged as
a promising paradigm, which allows verification in optimum timespan. Although, ABV improves
the design verification time, it usually suffers from the low level implementation complexities and
tend to delay overall design automation process. In this regard, Model Based System Engineering
(MBSE) plays a vital role by providing higher abstraction layer for low level complex
implementations. However, existing MBSE approaches for ABV, do not provide full verification
coverage. Particularly, MBSE solutions for renowned low level ABV technologies like
SystemVerilog are hard to find in the literature and industrial solutions. Furthermore, most of the
existing MBSE approaches deal with either static ABV or dynamic ABV in isolation, whereas
complex designs usually require the application of both static & dynamic ABV simultaneously.
In order to resolve these design verification issues, this study proposes a novel and
comprehensive MBSE framework for embedded systems to simplify and expedite the execution of
ABV. Precisely, a unified MODEVES (MOdel-based DEsign Verification for Embedded
Systems) framework has been developed to simultaneously support Static and Dynamic ABV
through well-known Timed Automata formalism and SystemVerilog, respectively. Moreover, a
complete end-to-end MODEVES Modeling Methodology (MMM) has been proposed, which
includes, UMLSV (UML profile for SystemVerilog) and standard UML / SysML notations to model
design requirements. Besides that, SVOCL (SystemVerilog in Object Constraint Language) and
NLCTL (Natural Language for Computation Tree Logic) have been proposed to model the
verification requirements for dynamic & static ABV, respectively. Finally, all these technologies
are integrated in an open source MODEVES Transformation Engine (MTE) to automatically
generate: 1) SystemVerilog Register Transfer Level (RTL) code, 2) Timed Automata model, 3)
SVAs (SystemVerilog Assertions) and 4) CTL (Computation Tree Logic) assertions from the high
level MMM-compliant models.
v | P a g e
Viability of MODEVES framework has been demonstrated through eight (8) benchmark
case studies: Traffic Lights Controller, Car Collison Avoidance System, Arbiter, Elevator,
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Train Gate and Bridge Crossing
system. Subsequently, the quantitative analysis is performed to demonstrate that MODEVES has
achieved on average 92% productivity gain, while executing both static and dynamic ABV, as
compared to the conventional low-level implementations. To summarize, the results indicate that
the MMM effectively enables the concurrent modeling of design & verification requirements for
both static and dynamic ABV approaches. On the other hand, MTE is capable of generating low
level target models from MMM-compliant source models automatically, allowing rapid static and
/ or dynamic ABV using the state-of-the-art tools like UPPAAL and QUESTASIM, respectively.
Consequently, MODEVES significantly simplifies and speeds up the simultaneous execution of
both static and dynamic ABV in early development phases without involving low level
implementation complexities and improves the design productivity that eventually reduces timeto-market of embedded system products. |
en_US |