This research work was carried out to assess the feasibility of treating wastewater from Olympia Paper Mill, Hayatabad Industrial Estate Peshawar, using sedimentation followed by coagulation. The study methodology involved collection of baseline information, visit to the Olympia Paper Mill, collection of samples, analysis and characterization of Olympia paper effluent and the possibility of using sedimentation/coagulation for treatment of effluent for Olympia paper mill.
The Olympia paper mill generates a lot of liquid effluent. Analysis of the effluent revealed that the effluent is highly contaminated and has a great pollution load both qualitatively and quantitatively. Characterization of the wastewater effluent revealed that the effluent has COD, BOD, Colour, TSS, and Turbidity having average values of 2500 mg/L, 800 mg/L, 4000 PtCo units, 600 mg/L and 407 NTU respectively.
Three coagulants i.e. Alum, Lime and MgS04 used in the coagulation. The results of the study suggested that sedimentation alone is not effective for treating such a large volume of wastewater effluent. After four hours of sedimentation; COD, Colour, TSS, and Turbidity values reduced to 2100 mg/L, 3500 PtCo units, 450 mg/L and respectively. Among the three coagulants used, Alum was found to be the most effective economically as well as its efficiency in treating the effluent. Alum reduced the COD, Colour, TSS, and Turbidity values to 170 mg/L, 82 PtCo units, 1 mg/L, and 4
NT U respectively, at its optimum dosage.